
**ALL ROUND PICTURES FROM SOLARPIX.COM**.**NO UK NEWSPAPER PUBLICATION**.**UK MAGAZINE & SUPPLEMENT PUBLICATION ONLY** AND NO PUBLICATION IN AUSTRALIA, FRANCE, GERMANY AND SCANDINAVIA** .The Art of the Decorated Jockstrap.A designer has created a new exhibition which explores the art, sex and fun of the jockstrap..Scotsman Colin Corbett has produced different variations of the jockstrap inspired by different cultural themes from Ancient Greece to world religion..The jockstraps included are 'Southern Balls', 'Weapons', 'Goth Strap' and even the 'Wedding Tackle' jockstrap..Colin Corbett, artist, said: "What I find interesting about the jockstrap is the correlation between 'macho' and 'camp', I had a stock phrase for anyone who looked uncomfortable, 'oh, he's got his diamante jockstrap on inside out.' I'd never seen a diamante jockstrap. Finally I made one and it caused such mirth, I expanded to other designs using rhinestones and masks, etc."." The 'Saints' jockstrap isn't miles away from early religious paintings where the focus can be quite homoerotic. The eye is drawn to the chiaroscuro of the loincloth." .The exhibition runs until Friday 30 January 2009, at Eckersley Gallery, London College of Communication .This pic: Artist Colin Corbett with some of his designs..JOB REF: 8273-SFE DATE: 21-01-09 .**MUST CREDIT SOLARPIX.COM OR DOUBLE FEE WILL BE CHARGED* *UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES IS THIS IMAGE TO BE REPRODUCED FOR ANY ONLINE EDITION WITHOUT PRIOR PERMISSION*