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**ALL ROUND EXCLUSIVE PICTURES FROM SOLARPIX.COM**.**WORLDWIDE SYNDICATION RIGHTS**.Ray and Maureen Harvey at home in El Campillo in Alicante, Spain..Their son Lee died after being stabbed 37 times in what was initially thought to be a road rage attack in 1996, before it later became clear that the road rage story was fabricated by his partner at the time Tracie Andrews, who played up to her story by crying at press conferences set-up to help the search for an unknown killer..Although Maureen and husband Ray, 66, campaigned for Andrews to be kept behind bars for life - they put together petitions and went to Downing Street for talks with Tony Blair - this week they have been incensed after opening a UK newspaper to see pictures of killer Andrews shopping with a friend on a day release from jail as she prepares for her full release from prison which is expected next year..Andrews has served 14 years of a life sentence for murdering fiance Lee, who she stabbed in the face, neck, back and chest after they rowed while driving to their Worcester flat..Maureen is convinced Andrews has conned prison bosses into believing she is a reformed character - and warned she could kill again. She added: "Andrews is a cunning bitch with a violent, evil side to her. Anyone who saw her at that press conference pretending to cry tears for Lee when she knew she had stabbed the life out of him will know how vile she is. She's pulled the wool over the prison people's eyes. But she has a hair-trigger temper she can't control. Can you imagine the fury inside someone who can stab someone she is supposed to love 37 times then lie and lie to try to save her skin? I'm convinced Tracie Andrews will murder again after she gets out. There will be some incident or row in the years to come where the real Tracie Andrews surfaces and someone will die. I hate to say it and I'll have sympathy for her victim. But you can't rehabilitate someone as wicked as Tracie Andrews. Alicante, Spain. 23 August 2010..