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**ALL ROUND PICTURES FROM SOLARPIX.COM**                                             **  UK NEWSPAPER PUBLICATION PERMITTED ONLY AFTER 7 DAYS FROM THIS CAPTION DATE**. ** NO PUBLICATION IN AUSTRALIA, BELGIUM, FRANCE, GERMANY, ITALY, SCANDINAVIA AND USA**                                                                                    Caption:Catherine Duchess of cambridge first visit of the day was to Rose Hill Primary School, where she donned a special pinny with the name 'Miss Catherine' embroidered on the front..The area is one of the most deprived in the country and of the 340 pupils at the school 48 per cent speak English as a second language and 50 per cent have a special need..This pic:Catherine Duchess of cambridge                                                                                              JOB REF: 14491       SFE       DATE: 21.02.2012                                                           **MUST CREDIT SOLARPIX.COM OR DOUBLE FEE WILL BE CHARGED**                                                                      **MUST AGREE FEE BEFORE ONLINE USAGE**                               **CALL US ON: +34 952 811 768 or LOW RATE FROM UK 0844 617 7637**